Rilasciato Ubuntu 11.10

E’ stata rilasciata la nuova versione di Ubuntu!!!!

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Pubblicato da Gianluca Giannone

Titolo di studio: Laurea Magistrale in Informatica. Descrizione: Sono un appassionato del mondo informatico ed in particolare dei software open source. Nonostante possa sembrare in contrasto con la mia formazione scientifica, anche l'arte mi ha sempre affascinato. Da sempre uso linux ed in particolare Ubuntu e Linux Mint.

4 Risposte a “Rilasciato Ubuntu 11.10”

  1. Thank you very much… I’m a little busy now but I’m writing something new 🙂

  2. This site is actually attention-grabbing i am longing for is there the other examples? however anyway thanks much as a result of I found that i was searching for.

  3. motivational quotes:

    This site is actually attention-grabbing i am longing for is there the other examples? however anyway thanks much as a result of I found that i was searching for.

    Thank you for visiting my site… what kind of examples do you need? Today was released Ubuntu 12.04… I’ll write about it…. stay tuned 🙂

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