Fix for TomTom Go Mobile Android App that does not finish loading

GoMobile Map TomTom GO Mobile App is my favourite navigation app that I use on my Android device.

It worked good in the past, but with the latest version (1.15 release) I had problems during the loading phase. It seemed that the app could not finish to load. I reinstalled it several times but the result was always the same, and so I couldn’t use it because the map never appeared.
So I found another solution. These are the steps I followed:

1. Manually delete the following folders:

  • Android/data/com.tomtom.gplay.navapp
  • Android/obb/com.tomtom.gplay.navapp

2. Uninstall the app

3. Restart your device

4. Reinstall the app

Please remember that in this way you will lose all paths and saved places on your app, but I preferred to delete them and be able to use the app again.

I hope this can be useful to you.

Let me know in the comment below 😉

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Pubblicato da Gianluca Giannone

Titolo di studio: Laurea Magistrale in Informatica. Descrizione: Sono un appassionato del mondo informatico ed in particolare dei software open source. Nonostante possa sembrare in contrasto con la mia formazione scientifica, anche l'arte mi ha sempre affascinato. Da sempre uso linux ed in particolare Ubuntu e Linux Mint.