CRM Outlook installation error – Error installing sql server 2008

MicrosoftDynamicsCRM logoMicrosoft dynamics CRM is a powerful tool that can be used by companies to manage theit accounts, contact, leads, opportunities, and other data useful in the sales process. It’s possible to use CRM also using the Outlook Client.

When I was trying to install the Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook I get an error and I was unable to install it. The error was something like this: “Unable to install SQL Server 2008”.

After looking at my installation log file (downdable from the error message) I noticed this message:

CmdLine: <“c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\\Release\setup” /q /HIDECONSOLE /ACTION=Uninstall /FEATURES=SQLENGINE /INSTANCENAME=CRM /X86=TRUE>
16:34:09| Info| WorkingDir: <(null)>
16:34:09| Info| CIsSqlExprRequiredSpInstalled: Uninstall Sql Expr failed with -2067529678.
16:34:09| Info| Uninitializing COM.
16:34:09| Info| Uninitialized COM.
16:34:09| Info| Uninitializing COM.
16:34:09| Info| Uninitialized COM.
16:34:09| Info| === Inizio registrazione avvio installazione: 6/19/2016 4:34:09 PM ===
16:34:09| Info| Bootstrap version:
16:34:09| Info| User: g.giannone.
16:34:09| Error| Installation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook failed.

So I thought this error occurred everytime the installation procedure was trying to uninstall Sql Server 2008. I used my explorer to check if the folder “c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\\Release\setup” was still present in my system. In my case it was present and the installation of SQL server 2008 was ok. So I opened the control panel and uninstalled the SQL Server 2008. After I restarted the installation procedure of the CRM Outlook and I was able to install it. I selected also the offline flag and everything was installed.

This procedure was successfull using Microsoft Office 2016 and the Microsoft CRM Outlook 2015 (according with Microsoft web site they are compatible).

Hope this helps.

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Pubblicato da Gianluca Giannone

Titolo di studio: Laurea Magistrale in Informatica. Descrizione: Sono un appassionato del mondo informatico ed in particolare dei software open source. Nonostante possa sembrare in contrasto con la mia formazione scientifica, anche l'arte mi ha sempre affascinato. Da sempre uso linux ed in particolare Ubuntu e Linux Mint.